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Did you know

Collared lioness

GPS collaring

GPS collars are designed to gather as much valuable information as possible while minimising the impact on the collared animal. They collect data on movement ...

Ageing lion cubs

Ageing Lions

Unless you have been following a lion since it was born, it can be very difficult to know the exact age of a lion just by looking at it. This is why we estimate how old a lion is ...

Lion after successful hunt


When attacking, lions often try to run ahead of their prey to cut off their escape route, reaching speeds as fast as 60km/h (37mph) – although they can only maintain ...

lion foot

Paws & Claws

Not many people know what a lion’s footprint looks like and that’s understandable. Most of us don’t live in close proximity to them and don’t need this knowledge to ... 

Map of Historic and present range african lion

Historic and present range

Historic and present range
Lions were once widespread across most of Africa and even parts of Europe and Asia. Lions even once lived in the South of Greece ...

Lion cub and lioness

Lion Cubs

When a lioness is close to giving birth, she will separate from the pride and find a safe and secluded denning site, often in thick vegetation or even inside a cave...

Lion pride feeding on young buffalo

Diet & Feeding

Lions have been known to feed on more than 40 different species, but populations within a single ecosystem will typically be reliant on two or three key species of prey. 

Eyes of a lion with round pupils

Eyes & Vision

The eyes of lions are quite large - so much so that they can’t move their eyes side to side very well, and actually need to move their whole head to look in another direction!

Lion habitat

Lion habitat

Lions can live almost anywhere, having been recorded in open grasslands, woodlands, thick bush, and thick, scrubby areas. Overall, lions have a relatively broad ...

a pride of lions

Leaving the Pride

Lion prides are composed of related females, and unrelated males. Although prides can be large in very prey-rich areas, with the typical pride numbering ...

lioness roaring


The sound is almost as loud as thunder and resonates up to 8km away in open plains and about 3km in wooded areas. The hearing of lions is superior to that of ...

Our Mission

Our vision is a future where the positive value of carnivore conservation drives better outcomes for people and wildlife.


Our mission is to make large carnivore conservation valuable to local and global communities. When the value of wildlife, right up to these top predators, can be unlocked and realised, both people and nature will benefit. 


Learn more about our approach.

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