Lion Landscapes in the media
Here you can find news about Lion Landscapes and our partners

Lion Landscapes' PANORAMA Solution "Community camera-trapping: an innovative way of empowering communities through conservation" was one of the 3 finalists of the Technology category of the Pathfinder Award 2021. Cécile Fattebert of the IUCN Protected and Conserved Areas team interviews Amy Dickman and Alayne Oriol Cotterill about this programme and our conservation work in general.

This case-study, developed by the IUCN SSC Human-Wildlife Conflict & Coexistence Specialist Group in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations, covers Lion Landscapes' work of co-developing a programme that delivers benefits to communities living with wildlife.

Conservation biologist
Dr Amy Dickman on the success of this innovative and inclusive approach to encouraging human-wildlife co-existence on village land.
“For long-term conservation, people need to recognise tangible, meaningful and locally desired benefits from protecting wildlife.”

A compelling talk by Dr Alayne Cotterill and Dr Amy Dickman, revealing how an innovative conservation alliance is strengthening communities, empowering women, and helping secure Africa's wild lion populations.

TV programme
Many big cat species are facing devastating declines from climate change, habitat destruction, poaching and human-wildlife conflict. But across the world, conservationists are dedicating their lives to preserving these iconic predators.
Lion Landscapes' work in Tanzania's Ruaha landscape, along with that of other organisations, is featured in CNN Call to Earth Protecting the planet's big cats.

Tooth and Claw: Lions
BBC Discovery
Children in the West probably recognise a lion before they can name the animals in their own back yards. But what about people who have lions roaming in their back yards literally? Professor Adam Hart talks to Dr Moreangels Mbizah and Dr Amy Dickman who have spent much of their lives working and living in lion country, helping to manage the wildlife conflicts that are becoming a threat to both humans and beasts.

This interactive talk and Q+A event, In celebration of International Women’s Day, by Dr. Amy Dickman who reflects on the essential, driving role that women have played in the conservation of lions and other large carnivores both in communities across Africa and within the dedicated group of female scientists that make up ‘'The Pride Lion Alliance'.

As a traditional pastoral community, livestock is vital to the Barabaig, but around Ruaha National Park, lions threaten their animals, their livelihoods, and sometimes even their lives.
The key to Lion Landscapes' conservation work in this landscape is changing the Barabaig perception of lions and empower local communities so that they see a benefit from conservation.

Despite growing media and public pressure to ‘sanitize’ the wild, the priority for conservation should always be keeping populations and areas wild above keeping individual animals safe, six leading lion conservationists argue.
Public-pressured, sanitized, and media-friendly management of animal populations will ultimately be crippling for real conservation efforts.

Tusk was chosen as one of the three charities supported by The Times and The Sunday Times Christmas Appeal 2020 and Lion Landscapes'
Lion Ranger Programme was one of the beneficiaries and was featured in this article.