Increase the Benefits
Generating tangible benefits from wildlife presence
Wildlife generates economic and other benefits nationally and globally. However, most people living closest to wildlife and bearing the greatest costs, don’t see enough real benefits from its presence. This reduces their desire to have wild animals, particularly dangerous species, on their land, and can make people more likely to kill wildlife.
Our approach

We listen to local communities to find out which benefits they would most like to see from wildlife presence, and then work with them to develop programmes to help deliver and fund those.
In order to stop the loss, we:
Support community benefits programmes such as scholarships and school feeding
Create innovative programmes, such as Community Camera Trapping Plus + and Lion Friendly Livestock, which deliver additional community benefits as a direct result of wildlife presence
Help develop innovative, landscape-level funding programmes for conservation, such as Lion Carbon and Biodiversity Credits
With our partners we have achieved the following across our landscapes:

Distributed nearly
US$ 90,000
worth of
to over
18,000 people

Provided nutritious
meals to
1200 primary school children

14 schools
and provided
53 full-time educational scholarships

Provided supplies
and support to
13 local