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Reduce the Cost

Reducing the local costs of living with wildlife

Lions and other large carnivores cause major problems for people who share the same landscape. They attack people and their livestock, which are vital economic and cultural assets. People also need to spend time, money and energy to protect themselves and their stock. These combined costs make the lives of already very poor people even more difficult. It means that basic needs are not met (for example children may miss out on school and families have less food) and there is very little desire or ability to conserve wildlife. 

Reduce the Cost

Our approach

We work with local people to find appropriate, effective ways to protect humans and livestock and make living with large carnivores less costly.

In order to stop the loss, we: 

  • Work with local people to better understand and improve methods of livestock protection such as enclosures and deterrents, to reduce conflict between people and carnivores.

  • Train people through our Community Coexistence Training and employ local people as Lion Rangers, Lion Defenders and Lion Extension Officers to support their communities to implement these best practices.

  • Identify and track carnivores and share up to date movement data with livestock keepers to reduce the risk of them coming into contact.

With our partners we have achieved the following across our landscapes:

Icon emplyment

Employed over
40 local
to help communities protect livestock.

Icon training

Trained over
300 local people
in best-practice methods to keep their livestock safe from attack

icon livestock protection

Helped predator-proof nearly 70 bomas protecting over 3300 head of stock worth over $195,000

Icon livestock

Helped recover over

2600 lost livestock worth over $155,000 to local communities

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